Friday, December 12, 2014

Remember Christmas

"Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember that young baby born to mankind from the Gracious throne of God as his extension upon earth. We called him Jesus and he came to save a dying world from itself.  Remember the kindness he brought forth through his works and try to remember that we need him more than ever in this dying world in which we live today."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Messing with the Teacher

Never mess with the teacher because they have already been down that road and back.  It is like telling someone to walk right into the fire and them not expecting to get burned.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We will Survive

With all the lunacy and ego driven ideas in our midst we will survive with the aid of the Lord Jesus.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fear can Consume Us

Fear that builds in the mind is something that is very real.  Always remember that Jesus is there with you and you don't have to succumb to fear of something in the mind.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

People need to learn to do better

Looking at the world and what is happening today things are not good and they need to get better.  We see regularly the offensive dress, the sound of foul mouths and the lewd writings of those without character.  Evil has made its way deep into the psyche of the very people who are to help protect and make things better.  Distraught and distress cannot fix problems.  As it says in Deuteronomy 2:2-3 God told the Hebrews to move on because they had toiled on that mountain long enough.  That is what the people need to do here today.  They need to change themselves and their actions and move in a better direction. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Taking of Your Self by Ignorance

There will be a time when we as a society must choose whether we need to throw down our ideals and walk with the in crowd.  Leaving an empty shell to the person led along. Because they walk in fear of not only their life, but their own sanity.  And that is a loss of life never to be found again.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Foul Smell of Racism

There is nothing more disgusting than the words spewed from a person or group against another race of people.  The problem lies chiefly in how people were raised from the cradle.  There are white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists and Oriental racists.  They attack one another verbally in a slew of words that would make a drunken sailor blush.  In today's world, the 21st century there should be no place for racism, but it does exist.  The only way it will end is when Jesus returns.  Until that time it will be rare that we see groups embrace one another without openly attacking one another.  That is the underlying problem in the fighting between the Israeli's and the Palestinians.  It is a racial divide that will never be bridged until the Lord returns.  And upon that day all racial divides will crumble and disappear as the dust in the wind.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Please Remove the Hate

The is a shadow upon the land.  A shadow of disgust and nastiness that has been brewed by a government of the non-caring and greed filled minds.  It is time to remove the hate and put a light upon that shadow and bring back the nation we once knew with a vengeance.  Lift up your eyes and see the creature that has settled upon the land.  Erase it and give our next generation a chance and it can be done if the people who love this land stand up for it.

The Silence

"There are times that the silence can be deafening, with shadows about and people moving yet saying nothing." 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Look Around

Look around and what do you see?  A world that is so beautiful and filled with the ugly.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

What Can Happen in Anger

"Anger can fester into a boil, and then it is lanced."  Moral of the story, control your anger.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Times they are a Changing

The times they are a changing to fast for most.  The changes come quicker than people have time to adjust themselves for in their lives.  As we notice time moving faster for us these days, we should remember it really isn't time that is moving faster it is we.  Our lives have become so complex that we cannot in some ways keep up. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Little Old Man

The little old man thought he had a plan;
And all he had was a bucket and shovel in the sand.
That little old man often complained;
And always wanted everything explained.
The little old man thought himself smart;
And all he had never made him more than a bard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An Idea

"Keep true to yourself, and your life will be much easier to handle."

Facing Evil

When you are facing evil in your lives, turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for his aid against the monster of this world.  He will be there for his people and place a barrier between the good follower and that of the evil that is trying to trans-dispose itself upon you and your loved ones.  It is never an easy fight and many times you sit and wonder why me?  That is natural and it is easy to fall into the pit that is seething with the horrors of the evil that lives among us.  Stand tall and ask the Lord to girth you with his protection as you stop evil from coming into your lives.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Can Things Get Better For This Small Georgia Town?"

“Can Things Get Better For This Small Georgia Town”

The small Georgia town here is Stockbridge, Georgia that has a population just over 26,000 and is the largest city in Henry County.  But there are problems that loom over this city and have done so for some time.  Much of the problem has been due to such an influx of people over a short period of time and then changes have not been forthcoming to keep up with the influx of people.


Many people down Stockbridge and say horrible things about them.  But they are not the only city in Georgia that is going through such a turmoil.  What many people must realize is that many of the older residents who were born and raised here don’t like the change that has come so quickly.  When you are making changes to an area that has been rich in family, religion and slow paced life you must not push things down their throats.  That goes for the whole of Henry County.  Ease things in on them so that they will be able to accept that is happening around them.


The city is and has been in the state of a turmoil ever since “eminent domain” became an issue with the city trying to force the old florist to sell to them.  That action put a black eye upon the city and there have been camps of people who have varying views on everything now.  It doesn’t matter the issue there are people out there to attack it.  Right now the issue of the DDA has been a problem since the first of the year.  When the new Mayor and Council took over they rendered the past DDA null and void because it was not formed correctly.  It went to Superior Court and Judge Crumbly ruled in favor of the City saying that the DDA was not properly created.


Now this brings up two more issues.  What to do with the sitting council member who served on the DDA and the council member who signed an affidavit in support of the defunct DDA.  This shows a large rift between the council members.  And their seems to be an element of who is in charge of the meetings at this time.  The Mayor who is to preside over the council meetings and add what he is doing for the city.  Then there is the Mayor Pro-tem which means he is to take over in the absence of the Mayor.  But that Council member has shown waves of wanting to control the meetings.  If he is trying to take over the meetings and be the head of the city then the Mayor must set the record straight.  If the council man who is mayor pro-tem wants to be mayor then he should resign and run for the mayors position when it comes up again in 2017.


All the bad blood is circulating around an antiquated charter that in several points contradicts itself.  The Mayor and Council should set up a group of citizens from the City of Stockbridge with one person from the council involved as well as a legal authority and let them re write the charter and put it up for a vote by the citizens and then if passed send it to the Georgia General Assembly and they will okay it and the Governor signs it and it is a legal charter.  That way the archaic parts of the charter can be taken out and all that is pertaining to this century will go forward.  This is a good idea and they should give it some serious thought.


Things can get better for this small city in Georgia, but if changes are not made it will continue to move in circles.  Hopefully, they can move forward and become a more enriched body of people.  May we pray that God helps to lead them in the right direction.

Making Changes

Making changes can be difficult to many.  There are so many variables to work with and in the end, sometimes it is hard to see.  People, places and things are changing everyday with each tick of the clock we are becoming something new.  Realize your not the same person who awoke this morning and you will be even more different at bedtime.  That is why when people make changes for us in our lives it is hard to accept.  The natural change we can do nothing about, but the man made change we can.  Learn to say the word NO and make sure they understand what you said.  There are so many out their who don't want to hear what you said by saying NO.  But it is you the individual who must make the decision to move forward or to stay stagnant and wallow in more and more trouble.  So, make a change and make it a good one and one you wanted to make and not what someone else wanted you to do.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Please Bring Back Part of Stockbridge

Please bring back just part of Stockbridge that we once knew 45 years ago.  A time when family was a key thing in the community.  A time when we were preparing to celebrate the first 150 years of our county.  Those who didn't live here then have no idea of the connect between the people of that time.  Yes, there were problems, but in a town of 1,500 people it was something that could be dealt with without all the anger and destruction of today.  The city has grown in four decades to a lofty 26,000 because of all the annexation that took place to give a safe harbor to the subdivisions wanting to come in.  But today's problems have become so complex that lawyers, and money changers have moved in to make a fortune.  Please give Stockbridge at least a peaceful day or even a minute to remember the way it was when the bus stopped at the train track to let off folks going to work in Atlanta.  A time when they rolled up the side walks at noon on Wednesday and stores were closed on Sunday and folks went to church to be in good fellowship with one another.  A simpler time and not ready for today's ills.  At least the memories are still there.

Watch Me As I Go

Watch me as I go,
Take a look at the hurt,
See the pain that I show,
Don't get melancholy but be alert,
For watch me as I go.

A Suck Egg Mule

My cousin asks me when I say, "Well I'll be a suck egg mule."  It means that I am surprised when I read something.  And a suck egg mule is simply a mule that sucks eggs.

Grinning like a Possum eating briars

"Have you ever watched a person smiling like a possum eating briars?"  Well these folks are enjoying their thought and they are happy with themselves for some reason.

Stop walking in Circles

"Stop chasing shadows in the darkness, you will only go blind."  Many look for something that is not there and by the time they discover it isn't there all is too late and look at the life that passed them by.

Think about what we do

"We rose above tyranny, and fell before ourselves."