Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Foul Smell of Racism

There is nothing more disgusting than the words spewed from a person or group against another race of people.  The problem lies chiefly in how people were raised from the cradle.  There are white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists and Oriental racists.  They attack one another verbally in a slew of words that would make a drunken sailor blush.  In today's world, the 21st century there should be no place for racism, but it does exist.  The only way it will end is when Jesus returns.  Until that time it will be rare that we see groups embrace one another without openly attacking one another.  That is the underlying problem in the fighting between the Israeli's and the Palestinians.  It is a racial divide that will never be bridged until the Lord returns.  And upon that day all racial divides will crumble and disappear as the dust in the wind.

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