Monday, July 7, 2014

Making Changes

Making changes can be difficult to many.  There are so many variables to work with and in the end, sometimes it is hard to see.  People, places and things are changing everyday with each tick of the clock we are becoming something new.  Realize your not the same person who awoke this morning and you will be even more different at bedtime.  That is why when people make changes for us in our lives it is hard to accept.  The natural change we can do nothing about, but the man made change we can.  Learn to say the word NO and make sure they understand what you said.  There are so many out their who don't want to hear what you said by saying NO.  But it is you the individual who must make the decision to move forward or to stay stagnant and wallow in more and more trouble.  So, make a change and make it a good one and one you wanted to make and not what someone else wanted you to do.

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